Wow this week has gone by so fast! It seems like
it was just yesterday that I was writing you all for the first time and
now look! It's been 2 times!!! Time just flies!!! hahaha not!!! The MTC
is awesome but I will tell you one thing- my brain has never tried to
work so hard in its entire life!!! I honestly feel bad for it!!! Like I
gave it no preparation for what it was about to undergo! I think it's mad
at me right now because it won't retain all of the information that I
need it to, but I am sure that it will forgive me eventually!! :) HMM
Well I don't know if you guys know this or not but we pretty much do the
same thing here at the MTC every day, every week, every hour! haha We
learn and sit and then we eat and then we learn and sit and then we eat
and repeat that process all day long!!! The food is getting a little
painful to be honest! I mean its not like it's changed but I just know if
I keep eating what I am eating I am going to be 300 pounds when I walk
out of here...or roll out haha. My companion though has managed to find a way
to cheer us up in the lunch room! Whenever they are serving jello he
will cut the jello from out of the cup and then put it on his tray and
then he just sucks the entire thing of jello up in his mouth and
swallows it whole! It is just about the funniest thing that you have
ever seen! So my favorite days are when they are serving jello! :) Umm,
let's see...probably the coolest thing that happened this week was the
devotional just this last Tuesday!
The speaker's name was Marcos Aiduraitis...or something along those lines
haha, but he was seriously the best speaker that I think I have ever
heard!! He was so funny and he talked about how the field is ready to be
harvested!! I really like that because lots of times you hear that we
just need to go and plant seeds! And although that is really important,
the scriptures tell us that the field is white all ready to be harvested!!
So we need to have courage- be more courageous and more like the
trumpet that it speaks of in the scriptures!! :) Don't be afraid to ask
people to get baptized!! He also baptized his wife before they were ever
together and he told us, "Learn how to baptize on your
just might come in handy one day!" hahahaha I lost it!! He was so
funny!! I encourage everyone to read D&C 31: 4-7. It's a great
scripture!! :)
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Reassuring themselves they are "strong" enough to do hard things? |
So my Zone is beyond sick!!! Like seriously, I am getting
so nervous to leave everyone!! I don't want to leave my district!!!
Yesterday our Zone leaders came in to our room and gave us a pass me
down, which is just a thing we do in the MTC where you leave stuff for
other districts!! It's cool :) Anyways, they came into our room and they
gave us a big Cambodian Flag and it is SO SICK!!! We haven't found a good
place to hang it up yet but we will :) We have new investigators
starting today so I will let you all know how that goes :) Me and my
companion are still best buddies!! Realizing more and more each day just
how blessed we have been to have each other as companions!! He keeps me
laughing pretty much all day which is so nice because then I don't think
about home too much! :) Well I'm sorry the letter isn't super long this
week- we just have not done anything too eventful! haha We made it a
goal this week though to try and do something cool that we can write
about so I hope that works out :)
Before I go I want to say thank you
really fast to the people that wrote me letters this week!! Hailey-
thanks so much for your letter- that was so nice of you! Grammy- I love you
tons and I am writing you a letter and will be sending it to my house
real soon!! :) Papa and Grandma- thanks so much for your letter and the
funny sentences that you attached to it! We all loved them haha :) Aub
tell Kade that it was so nice to get a letter from him and I hope that
he is just slaying sin out there in.... Crap- I forgot where he is at.
haha Told you my brain is fried! Anyways, mom you are so clutch with all
the packages!! Just have to tell everyone real quick.....I HAVE THE BEST
MOM IN THE WORLD!!!!! Miss you tons and I sure do miss my Dadio too:)
Miss all of our sporting events we used to watch and go to!! You really
don't know what you've got until it's gone!! haha But that's ok. I'll be back
soon enough to watch some more! :) Thanks for your letter Jas!! :) I
will definitely be writing you soon!! Hannah and Aub- thanks so much
for your letters that you wrote to me as well! They were a big time pick
me up!! And LUKE!!!! Thanks for your Dear Elders big guy!! You have to
write me on email so I can have your email because I forgot what it is!
But we will be able to talk soon!! :) Keep doing good, buddy, and don't be
breaking too many girls' hearts!! :):) Dani- thanks so much for the
package :) you made my week and it was so nice to be able to hear your
voice!! :):) I love all of you who have shown your support for me being
out here!! You are seriously so awesome! Couldn't have a better support
group! Can't wait to write you all again!! You are all in my prayers!!!
All My Love,
Elder Steadman
Austie :)
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