Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Everyone cross your fingers...

Hey everyone :) So I'm sorry in advance but this week is going to be a short letter! The main reason why it's going to be a short one this week is because I literally have been sleeping for the better part of this week! haha First of all I just want to thank you all so much for your prayers that you all have been sending my way since the surgery!! This recovery has been one of the more painful ones that I have been through in my life, but I literally can feel the prayers that being sent my way and they make each day a day that I can handle and each day with all of your prayers gets a little bit easier to handle. So from the very bottom of my heart, thank you all so very much for all of your love!

Basically this week has consisted of me living on painkillers and waking up just long enough to take some more and then heading back to bed! ha Also I have had the opportunity to lost 20 pounds, which is 20 pounds that really needed to be lost! Now I actually have a chance at getting my 6 pack back before I head to Cambodia and turn into a stick! :) ha The MTC has been doing a good job at making sure I am ok and eating at least something small for each meal. But needless to say I am very excited to be putting the MTC experience behind me this next week! I meet with the ENT doctor on Thursday, and he decides whether or not I am good enough to head to Cambodia. So please everyone, pray that either the doctor will say that I am good enough to go or that I won't get sentenced to prison for punching a doctor in the mouth! :) Maybe I could serve my mission in the penitentiary system? :) haha

Alright, well, that's all for me this week. I'm sorry it's so short, but next week I will try to add a little more to my message!! Just know I love you all and above all that I know this Church is true!! I love it more than anything and I'm so glad that I have the opportunity to go and share the wonderful message of Christ with people that need to hear that they are loved!! Love you all!

Until next week!
Elder Steadman

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